Up Your Stud Factor :: Eat These Foods

Kevin Mark Kline READ TIME: 3 MIN.

We know that our diets directly affect our physiques. It is also true that the foods you choose can strongly influence your sexual performance. There are foods that can give you harder erections, more sexual stamina and a higher libido.

Making the right food choices for your sexual engine's performance is a bit like choosing synthetic oil in place of regular oil for your car's oil change. Here are some foods to include within your normal diet. (If you typically eat hot dogs, pizza and beer, then these foods are not going to offset the bad effects of that diet, but assuming that you normally make reasonably healthy choices already, these foods all have a positive influence on your studliness.)

-Figs are high in amino acids, which are believed to increase libido and boost sexual energy for harder erections.

-Berries and cherries contain substantial amounts of anthocyanins, which prevent fatty plaque build-up: clogged arteries are a leading cause of erectile dysfunction. Peaches, nectarines and plums are good too.

-Bananas are good for your banana because all that potassium they contain is good for your heart and circulation. Good blood circulation is good for erections, geddit? Potassium helps to control blood pressure too.

-Nuts, especially almonds, are a good source of essential fatty acids, which are the building blocks from which our bodies make testosterone.

-Eggs supply vitamins B5 and B6, which lower stress levels - stress destroys muscle and libido, and is not good for heart health either.

-Salmon, Mahi Mahi and Oysters are all rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which make your blood flow easily to the parts it needs to get to in a hurry. Mackerel and trout are also good choices.

-Oysters are especially loaded with zinc and selenium, both of which are lost in large quantities in every ejaculation. (If you are zinc deficient, it shows up as zits and skin blemishes).

-Lean pork, loaded with vitamin B1, is needed for a healthy nervous system, and we all want those nerve endings to tingle. Or eat whole wheat bread if pork is not on your menu.

-Coffee (just one cup) can set you up for an all-night session, especially if you tend to fade late at night when your partner is looking forward to some action. Alternatively try one caffeine pill 30 minutes before bedtime (but not if you are prone to heart palpitations).

-Red wine Just one glass boosts production of nitric oxide, allowing blood vessels to expand - it's the same principle as Viagra, but tastier. More than two glasses will probably be counter-productive.

-Onions and garlic are blood thinners, and thinner blood reaches the parts that thick blood cannot reach.

-Chillies also expand blood vessels, and by now the benefit of that should be obvious.

-Ginger boosts circulation and promotes heart health.

Generally, foods that are good for your heart and circulation and also good for your sex life. So the same advice applies - eat a variety of different foods, going easy on saturated fats and including lots of fruits and green vegetables in your overall diet. Generally, the fresher the food you buy, the more nutritional value it will have. Each step of processing tends to eliminate some of the good stuff we need for a healthy active and fulfilling life in and out of the bedroom.

by Kevin Mark Kline , Director of Promotions

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